How to Sustain a Workout Routine With Kids

We’ve all been there, haven’t we? Whether we were fitness fanatics before kids or not, at some point after assuming the role of mother there comes a day when we long for more confidence in our bodies and the mental feeling that comes with being on top of our health again. I’ve certainly gone through periods where I just don’t feel… healthy, and as much as I want to prioritize it, finding the time to workout while chasing toddlers around all day can be challenging.

Typically I get motivated and get a good 30 minute workout in for three days, and then inevitably life happens and I spend the entirety of Day 4 wanting to get into the gym, but never making it down there, and then beating myself up for not finding a way to make it happen. The all-day fight of wanting to get to the gym but never quite finding a big enough gap of time to do so, creates a sense of stress and a feeling of frenzy in my life. This shifts my mindset all together and by Day 5 I’m just thinking about how my life is crazy and how silly it was to think that I could commit to and stick with a consistent workout routine. Day 6 I may have a second wind and give it one more shot, but by Day 7 when I can’t quite find the time to fit it in again, I’m officially tapping out.

Here’s what I finally realized: The biggest shift that needs to happen is the mindset shift that says “I am living a healthy life.” Once your brain believes that, it starts making choices to back that up. So how do we get there? Here’s what (finally) worked for me and, more importantly, what I found to be completely sustainable with two toddlers…

I’ve committed myself to working out every day. But wait - stay with me, because here’s the key: I don’t specify how much or how little I do. I just do something. Some days I’m able to get 45 minutes of dedicated exercise in. Many days, it ends up being about 20 minutes. But on the days when life gets too hectic and I never make it down to my basement workout space, I stop at some point in my day and make the conscious decision to do 20 air squats. And y’all, this is where the magic happens.

I swear more progress is made on the days when I do 60 seconds of airsquats than on the days I do a full-blown, muscles shaking, sweat dripping 30 minute gasser. Why? Because working out when I have the time and motivation to do so isn’t all that exceptional, but stopping a frantic, hectic, overwhelming day in order to think about your health and make the conscious (and slightly inconvenient) decision to push the pause button on whatever you’re doing in order to squeeze in 20 air squats - That is a game changer. This simple switch in how you approach your workout routine creates consistent validation to yourself that you are infact committed to living an active and healthy lifestyle just as you told yourself when you made the decision to begin in the first place. Each time your brain is able to confirm that you’re actually sticking with it this time, our beautiful subconscious will continue to make good decisions that are consistent with our fine, healthy selves. Now, go claim ownership of your health again!