Hi. I’m MJ Cash, your new mom friend! Here are some things I know to be true:
A large portion of our population are women and girls who either are moms or one day will become moms.
Mothers are a group who are known to consistently give all of themselves to those around them.
There is not enough support or resources out there to help women navigate motherhood.
I am on a mission to change this! For years I have watched the women around me beautifully embrace the roles of wife and mother, but I’ve also watched as they’ve lost their individual identies in the process. After finding myself in the same boat, I decided to go on a journey of rediscovry. I hope this can be a community and a resource for you to hear the truths about motherhood and all the roles that come with it. I also hope that you’ll choose to go on this journey with me to discover how we can all be more than mom.