Tell Me An Audacious Dream

Today I’m putting out a challenge for you. Ever since my husband and I have been together one thing has been abundently clear: I am a dreamer, and he is… still learning how to be comfortble with having dreams. The more I talk to other couples, the more I learn that this seems to be a pretty typical dynamic in a relationship. My guess is as you read this, you can probably quickly identify which one of us you relate to more.

Scripture says, “Where two or three come together in my name, I am there with them” (Matthew 18:20), and I believe there is power anytime two or more people come together for a common goal. Listen y’all, your girl can dream. I can dream bigger and wlder dreams than the best of them. In fact, there are only a few people I know who dream even bigger than crazier than me and all of them are also quite significantly more successful. Do you think this is a coincidence?

The correct answer is no, it’s certainly not a coincidence, because having a really big, really fun, really motivating dream is the first (and completely necessary) step to actually attaining it. You don’t stumble your way into accomplishing really big, crazy, amazing things.

The truth is though, because of the gap in our dreaming dynamic, I have developed a tendency to keep my dreams to myself - which makes them one tiny notch above being completely obsolete. So this week we’re going to take a single step towards dreaming together as a family, and I challenge you to do the same. If you have a spouse, find a time to sit down with your spouse and construct a dream for your future that you agree on. If you are one of my single ladies, make time for yourself, or if your kids are old enough, include them in the conversation.

It can be a dream for the next year, the next five years, or for retirement. It can be adventurous or practical, but I do have a couple of stipulations:

  1. It has to be a dream that you both truly want - something you can go after together with similar enthusiasm.

  2. It has to have a date attached. When do you want to accomplish it by?

  3. It has to be specific. Give me details, people!

  4. It has to be big enough that it makes you uncomfortable.

Build in some quality time over the next week to have this fun and life-giving conversation with your loved one. Figure out a common goal/dream that you want for your future, and then discuss different ways that you can attain it. I don’t care how young you are, how old you are, or what your finances look like. You don’t outgrow dreaming and it’s totally free.

Then come back and comment on my social media feeds to share with me what dream you guys have come up with for your life! I’ll be back to fill you in on ours!!