Books for Your Summer Reading List

During these summer months it seems like reading is at an all time high. Vacations are underway, parents may have a little extra help, and mom may get a few minutes to herself to dive into a good book.


So to kick off July I want to simply give you a couple of book recommendations to enhance your summer reading list.

1.Girl, Wash Your Face

Let’s be real. Rachel Hollis is trending right now. There’s a good chance you’ve already read this gem, but if you haven’t, now is the time to pick it up. Surprisingly, in some of the circles I am in, this book had become too taboo to read, and that has deterred people from reading it. If that is something you have seen or felt too, I highly suggest you don’t give in to that, and instead lean in hard to this book and get out of it all that it has to offer. It’s the perfect summer read for all women.

2. See You At The Top

I’ve mentioned this book before on my blog, and while it’s an oldie, it’s certainly a goody. This book is about success mindset to help

you in all facets of life, and it’s also where I discovered the #1 piece of parenting advice I’ve ever received. That should be reason enough to seek out this book this summer.

3. The Servant: A Simple Story About the True Essence of Leadership

I’ll be honest.... I read this book when I was in a really selfish time in my life. I wanted to have a heart for serving others, but I was struggling to take my eyes off myself, and I knew it. When I walked over to our bookshelf to find my next book of choice, I saw the title of this one and knew it was what I needed. I’m so glad I picked it up. To this day I’ll still mentally reference it when making decisions on how to live my life.

4. Daring Greatly

This is my next summer read. While I can’t give you a book review because I haven’t read it yet, I can tell you one thing: you can’t go wrong with Brené Brown. She’s a researcher on vulnerability and shame and I believe those are topics that can help out every woman (and man) out there. If you want to go on this journey with me this summer, grab yourself a copy and let’s check out Daring Greatly together!


I’d love to hear what your favorite summer reads are and your takeaways if you pick up any of these!